31 December 2013

#065 Base of Vase

D101 Task of the day

Choose a vase you like, and look at it with a “measuring” attitude.
Take out your ruler or any other measuring tool and (creatively) write down or illustrate its dimensions. Once this is done, share a picture of your own measurement system with us.

27 December 2013

#061 Memory Recovered

D101 Task of the day

How good is your memory?

A few weeks ago, I found my old memory game on my parents' attic.
I played it often when I was a kid and I often beat my sisters.
Some pictures have never disappeared from my memory.
Nowadays, I play it regularly with my kids.

You wonder if I still win?
No, not anymore.
It will be the age.

26 December 2013

#060 Tangram

So you wanna play?

If I give you these pieces

can you make this 

or this?

25 December 2013

#059 Another (Buzz buzz) electronic game

D101 Task of the day

Buzz! Buzz!
Blink! Blink!

Talking about some buzz, buzz games . . . today it's time to play
and to test some eye-hand coordination.



Clean up the ocean!

24 December 2013

#058 Strategy, calculation and chance

D101 Task of the day

Do you know this Mahjong game?
It's about skill, strategy, calculation and a certain degree of chance.

Talking about strategy, calculation and chance . . . 
maybe it's also time for some Rummix.

23 December 2013

#057 My Wish

D101 Task of the day

Why don't you share your wish list with us?

My wish for 2014
Playtime fun with the kids

And I already know this wish will come true

20 December 2013

#054 Home of the Ghosts

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will build your own pinhole camera. Then, you will share your favourite pictures you took with it...


First try with a pinhole DSLR-camera. 
I used these materials to make the cardboard pinholedisc.

I removed the lens from the DSLR-camera and put the disc in its place.

Focusing was very difficult because there was nothing to see through the viewfinder, 
except darkness.

It was already getting dark but I think it made the effect more 'mysterious'.

Because the disk wasn't black enough on the inside the picture is more blurry. 
I will adjust the lens and give it another try.

19 December 2013

#53 Mirror Games

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will reflect, starting from Robert Smithson's works with mirrors. Get a mirror (or maybe more) to place somewhere in your city.
To create new spaces.
To combine fragments of matter.
To reflect on illusions, duality, multiplicity.
To show something in a very clear way.
To generating new relations between space(s).
To set up links...
Share a picture of your reflections with us!

In each city games are played. In politics, relationships at the workplace. 
Not to forget family games.
What do you see? Are this dice or representations of buildings?
Are the dots, numbers, scores, windows, people, reflections of creatures passing by?
Are this two objects (duality) or more (multiplicity) in new created spaces?

By the way: the place in my city I choose is my house.

18 December 2013

Toilet Art

#052 Collecting foot prints

D101 Task of the day

You will create a box with objects taken from the city. Events in flux you will select to be fixed in time. You will set up a walk: where to go, a specific neighbourhood or a random promenade... How long, how short, alone or with someone, directions, this and that. And then, you’ll record your exploration collecting some objects.

Today I went walking with my dog ​​
and collected
from people and animals that I met in my city.

Imagine all the footprints left behind
in your city
every day.
Most of them are unseen.

I made a few visible
and saved them.

* * *

The most important was the process.
The meetings and conversations
with the people
who have left their footprint in my box.

We will recognize each other
when we meet again.

                                                                     Maybe next time I will collect their smile.

* * *

It was a very nice walk 
with pleasant meetings 
One creature decided to stay in my box.

17 December 2013

#051 Mapping my Town

D101 Task of the day

Today, we will discover the world of maps. Two-dimensional ways for representing our relationships with the world.
First: search for references of maps related to your city concentrating your attention on one particular place.
Second: go for a walk in your city (town / village / commune) mapping the places which are the most meaningful to you (in the way you consider most appropriate).
Third: share with us your favourite map (the reference you found) and a picture of your own map you made.
Something to remember: a map always has a legend. Which symbols will you choose?

Very old map anno 1866

Mapping my favorite places
In 2013 my town, Weert, was awarded the title greenest (environmental friendly) city in Europe.
Almost every day I walk with my dog in one of these beautiful green surroundings of my city. 
In the map you can see the areas I like and visit most. 

The colored hearts form the legend. 
The colors shows from top to bottom my most favorite places in descending order.

15 December 2013

#049 Learn to see

D101 Task of the day

If you were to think about your life, the places you go and you know. Some of them are complex, others are extremely simple. Think of the simple ones. How do they work? Why are they mostly invisible to our eyes? What could we learn from these places?

My kids always look at the simplest things, and what they see in it is often very special...

I can learn a lot from them.

13 December 2013

Watercolor challenge day 5

#047 Out of the darkness

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will bring the sky into your room! Choose your room carefully and you will see magic. Share a picture of your camera with us, or a stop motion, or a gif, or a video...

The inside of the camera
and the small hole that remained open
piece of the house,
made ​​through the small hole

Final result

12 December 2013

watercolor challenge day 4


#046 Quick and easy, ordinary but meaningful

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will frame one of your ordinary objects to transform it into something special.
Find a way to “exhibit” it inside your room. First, choose the object. Then, create a display for it. Remember that displays are not only about a simple material “frame”, but also about the background, the overall context, the lighting...

11 December 2013

Watercolor challenge day 3

#045 Time Capsule

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will make a time capsule.
It is a process in seven steps:
1. Think about the box. Remember that the box has to last twenty five years.
2. Select the meaningful objects that should be in the time capsule.
3. Write a message or a note, or something of the like.
4. Close it and seal it.
5. Hide/dig/conceal, whatever you want.
6. Make a map with instructions and give it to someone close to you.
7. Make an illustration where we can see the objects, the box, and the place where it is kept.
Share the illustration with us. We can't wait to see it!

At first I put last weeks painted watercolor flowers from the Facebook Design 101 Arena challenge in the time capsule. Hopefully I can see my progress in 25 years and laugh at my first tinkering.

Pencil and paper: perhaps they are no longer available in 25 years because of extensive digitalisation.

A vinyl record with favorite kids songs and a needle: hopefully I just became grandmother as we dig up the time capsule in 25 years. CD’s can no longer be played due to technological developments but vinyl is timeless if you have a needle.

Coins and paper money: maybe payments will be done only by Internet banking and debit/credit cards. 

Two gifts from los loves. A wire bent to 'lov' (the wire was too short to make the word ‘love’) and a red-painted cherry stone in heart shape. I would love to see them again after 25 years.

A book with pictures of artwork and poems by local artists.

Photos of myself, my family, my house and the garden. Photos of the city and surroundings as they are now and a map of the area. Today’s newspaper and a description of our daily activities.

My wisdom tooth: because of its archaeological value when the time capsule will not be found by family after 25 years but many, many years later by unknown.

I'll bury the time capsule in my garden under the rose bush.

The box will be wrapped in plastic (which is not good for the environment, but it does not decay as fast)

In my letter, I will mention the global positioning coordinates (GPS)

10 December 2013

Watercolor challenge day 2

Dandelion on kitchen paper

#044 Measuring my livingroom

D101 Task of the day

Today, you will measure your room using a part of your body. Then, you will draw your room’s floor plan and axonometric view. Share 3 pictures with us:
The part of your body you used as a measuring tool
Your room's plan
Your room's axonometric view

09 December 2013

Watercolor challenge day 1

My first watercolor flower since kindergarten

07 December 2013

#041 Fine tuning

D101 Task of the day

Today is the perfect time to "test" the overall system of your garden. Are you happy with the way you assembled its various parts? Is there place for refinement or adjustments?
Share a picture of your almost “ready to grow” garden and update your notebook!

Today I made some more holes in the bottom of the nutshells for drainage.
The moss on which the nutshells will be placed can absorb the excess moisture.

Drainage by micro(brain)surgery

06 December 2013

Tree of life in blossom

#040 Life in a Nutshell in my Notebook

D101 Task of the day

Happy with your prototype? Understood what worked (and what did not work)? Feeling confident?
OK, now it is time for you to move on and start building your garden!
Keep things simple, clear and easy. And, don't forget to share one nice picture with us.

05 December 2013

#039 Nuts

D101 Task of the day

How does your garden work? Today, you will make a “physical” prototype of it. You will produce a three dimensional working system. Once this is done, take one picture of it and share it with us.

Living in a Nutshell

04 December 2013

#038 Nuts...guts...nuts...

D101 Task of the day

Today, you need to find and collect all the materials needed to make your garden. Make a list (a good one). Search around the house, ask some friends for help... Once all the material is collected, find a way to place the whole. Share a picture of all your elements. Just one picture of your tools.

No micro-surgery but micro-gardening


03 December 2013

#037 Planning

D101 Task of the day

Are you ready to plan your little indoor garden?
Today, you will need to make decisions. You will need to evaluate in a short amount of time which kind of garden would best fit your needs, space and resources. Good luck!

Planning home-gardening

Well, maybe this place could use some gardening.....